is true. As a child he spoke as a child, thought like a child and watched movies themselves were children, yes, I saw. And one of those movies that boy I saw once was The Selfish Giant (The Selfish Giant, 1971).
is an adaptation from a story by Oscar Wilde that Potterton Productions and Pyramid Films, Inc. performed to in 1971 and which was responsible for directing Peter Sander, who had gained fame by directing the animated series Cool McCool
The film was nominated for a Academy Award in 1971 in the category of Best Animated Short and earned rave reviews at festivals in Berlin and Chicago in 1972.
This, like the previous post , joined my DNA based on their images. In the case of the shorter, that impact, your images are beautiful, poetic, unforgettable.

Any child of these times deserve to see a piece like this. Some adults. Therefore, I hang here in three parts, the short animated film to be enjoyed.
A classic.