... Blessed John Paul II. Triano
Hugo Gomez. The significance is more than "something good to say of someone" , a memory connected to a good reputation. Few men can really having accomplished. Moreover, it could be argued that not all aspire to it. John Paul II blessed the newly anointed, caught.
The significance of John Paul II is special, unusual, unique. Course exceeds the investiture as head of state he held for nearly 3 decades. It has to do with the true deity. Spirituality with a man managed to make life, but mostly work.
His humanity not fought with inspiration. Ally it knew to bring the word of the risen Christ who so loved to unimaginable places, rather than give way to pride as many false leaders of this world of ours, always latent for their own condition.
Beyond that undoubtedly John Paul II did for her Catholicism, Blessed in life, he managed to return to the believers that dose of hope that over the years and even in the days and times, man usually lose interest by favoring the mundane, the material over the spiritual.
here is not to provide new controversy on the reasons that led to his beatification in a while sui generis. After all anyone outside of the box like it, well justified and should be treated. It is, yes, warning that global conditions, national, state, and subsequent, yesterday, today and tomorrow, few are endowed, endow and will provide new strength to those who see the ox approached the ravine without remedy and breakneck speed.
can not lose sight of the divine influence that John Paul II embraced the premise that we are all children of God. John Paul II was elected, true, but he understood su llamado en la extensión de la palabra y no la defraudó. Sus pecados seguro a algunos interesará, pero su conversión y su decisión de vivir en y para la gracia, lo tienen en la cercanía de la santificación católica.
Muchos a estas alturas hemos renunciado ya a dicha condición, pero ¿quién no aspira a la tranquilidad, a la paz interior, a la bondad, a disfrutar de la vida y sus más elementales momentos? Nunca es tarde para volver a comenzar. Nunca lo es cuando de corazón surge la necesidad y el deseo de ser bueno, a secas. Sin esperar nada a cambio, sin que la mano derecha se entere de lo realizado por la izquierda, sin más que la satisfacción de hacer el bien, Forgot central object of the human species.
John Paul II is thus a faithful follower of Christ, that his kindness to reach all those who may choose to do good things for bad, to the leaders who can take the decisive step to change the face and the story of a nation and / or a state decided to turn back to protect their interests and preserve their sinecures, the worker who can give more of an effort to lazy to do things "there goes" , destroying all expectations and projects to develop, the common you know you have to change behaviors and habits, but still wavering, to which want to find the solution to the excesses away from the more of sanity.
A you Father God, Thank you for John Paul II, for its significance ... for hope.