"And with that [refereenciales prices for the construction of hospitals] we do not take no for tea"
Rómulo León dixit talk entitled "This is the rich"
Apart from the oil business, the now infamous Dominican businessman Fortunato Canaan was interested in investing in public health. Since the last months of 2007, made an active lobby, established companies and paved the way for good in favor of the construction and equipping of hospitals in the country. The new Audi reveals interesting details on how the employer made the challenged controversial efforts now being investigated by the judiciary.
Canaan, with the help of his then unconditional Romulo Leon Alegria, have obtained the then brand new Health Minister Hernan Garrido Lecca , and other officials of that ministry support to achieve their goals.
The first, and fundamental to his purposes, was the signing of a framework agreement between the Ministry of Health and Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI). The agreement allowed the organizing OEI public tenders for the construction of hospitals. Canaan required following implementation of this commitment to control the bidding process and his request was fulfilled on March 18 last.
But that was not all, also requested records confidential information about how to influence the making of the bases of the above competitions and especially how the amounts were fixed reference works.
this assumption is true that negotiated did not materialize at all, but the crucial aspects (such as preparation of the bases and the provision of good pro for construktion hospitals), were aimed to mid-May when Leo Joy and Canaan fight. In fact, in the Memoradum 076-2008-DI-DGIEM/MINSA aimed at Sifuentes, noted that the Ministry of Health had been conducting a series of studies "to check the technical aspects, especially in areas of costs infrastructure and equipment. " This procedure was followed in all hospitals were to be constructed: that of the "disaster areas" (Ica and Pisco), all three of Lima and the "El Niño", all interest of Canaan.
intention the Dominican Republic was to be delivered four hospitals for their construction and equipment. But, Hernán Garrido Lecca was shuffling or hesitant. In the first half of April, people thought Forluck at least one of the Ica deliver them, for it lobbied the Minister.
Delays Canaan who bothered to visit leveraging Peggy Cabral Lima, asked him to pull out a meeting with the president to speak, apparently the case not only oil but construction hospitals. This is evidenced by a communication between the number two Fortluck, Danilo Lopez, and Leon Joy. In this revealing audio ( listen to it here. ) discuss both characters that drove the hospital business. Among other things, Hernán Garrido Lecca mention that would give them a hospital in Ica to be built by construction companies Fortunato Canaan. Also, say that they were preparing the bid for the expansion of the hospital of El Nino emergency and the Ministry of Health announced to be built in Lima. In conversation, it is clear that policy was the Dominican, Peggy Cabral, who managed the second visit (April 26) Fortunato Canaan to the Government Palace, as noted Jorge del Castillo and then press secretary confirmed the Government House.
"Danilo Lopez (DL): So based on everything I have told you Hernan [Garrido Lecca] OEI assurance to us, security and all that. For me today is thinking Hernán is one [in hospital]. Giving that [the OEI], it is understood that this is ours. not! But the fact that we locate him there with all the guarantees we have given, handle that there is [because] he is placing us one. Then he [Fortunato] tells me I'm going there to define it. For you to know, I told [Fortunato] asked us should tolerate a little, that we coordinate the visit. Well, but he more or less understood, but did not understand. He wants Peggy, and with that I agree, first to go where Alan
Rómulo León Alegría (RLA): If Peggy is on Thursday or Friday or Monday, immediately [after] is Fortunato. Fortunato might even be here the day after the meeting [with Alan Peggy] and, on automatic. And Peggy can say [to Alan] Fortunato hear is coming back tomorrow to come with him, I come with him, let it Alan.
DL: Peggy is supposed to go to a party issue ...
RLA: Sure, but that advantage and says [Alan]: Hey by the way tomorrow is coming our friend [Fortunato]. If Peggy comes with appointment on Thursday, it is justified that you come on Friday. "
Rómulo León Alegría (RLA): If Peggy is on Thursday or Friday or Monday, immediately [after] is Fortunato. Fortunato might even be here the day after the meeting [with Alan Peggy] and, on automatic. And Peggy can say [to Alan] Fortunato hear is coming back tomorrow to come with him, I come with him, let it Alan.
DL: Peggy is supposed to go to a party issue ...
RLA: Sure, but that advantage and says [Alan]: Hey by the way tomorrow is coming our friend [Fortunato]. If Peggy comes with appointment on Thursday, it is justified that you come on Friday. "
It appears that the meeting with Garcia did not benefit from Canaan, and of course fight this with Romulus produced in mid-May, prevented The deal was, but Icuatro (another company related to the Dominican) was until the scandal broke petroauidos bidder in the expansion of the hospital of El Niño. [Gustavo Gorriti , explained the reasons for the fight and why the said business did not to fruition].
The links between Canaan, León Alegría Hernán Garrido Lecca dated December 2007. Later that month, Valverde Luis Sifuentes, Director of Infrastructure, Equipment and Maintenance of the Ministry of Health, contacted the fugitive former minister and now he began to get confidential information: plans for the hospitals to be built, structures and other prices. Sifuentes, even visited Canaan Country Hotel in late February 2008.
In an audio between Romulus and his secretary, Paola Copara is proof of these facts: Paola
Copara (PC): Doctor, there are now seven.
Rómulo León Alegría (RLA): Yes, well. We are here in a mess of the great flute
PC: Yeah, well, now. I left the CDs on your desktop
RLA: These are the last to have
PC: Yes, yes. I have one with all the databases of hospitals. The last one is also one with videos, remember? "From the hospital? RLA
: Done by whom?
PC: No, I sent them
RLA: Who "they"?
PC: The engineer Fortunato because Remember?
RLA, No, What I want is what gave me Sifuentes
PC: Yeah, that is. That which I have here.
RLA: What gave me Sifuentes. I will sent them to Fortunato.
PC: Yes, yes, yes. [It means] of the hospital east, west, boy, yes or no? This CD is.
RLA: Of those who gave me
Sifuentes ... PC: Yes, yes, that is, Doctor. Already, I'm going to leave your desk.
RLA: The last thing you
Sifuentes has accepted that he had contact with Leon Joy and Dominican businessman, but noted that they never gave confidential information.
has also recognized Canaan was seen with twice the Contry Hotel and one in his own office. Sifuentes would have attended the last meeting.
talks between former prime minister and the Dominican businessman turned, according to Garrido Lecca, around the desirability of the OEI make the tenders for the construction of hospitals and the increase in reference price per square meter hospitals.
precisely, the issues that were key to Canaan. On February 9, 2008, Dominican fax sent him a lengthy document to Leon Alegria instructs him that he must follow the steps to achieve success in their "hospital project." "A) OEI Get Hernan .- [Garrido Lecca] approves OEI [Organization of American States] and proceed to appoint John [Benajoan a specialist who actually contacted Minsa] by OEI / MOH. b) Try to see if it is possible to increase the price sincere m2 [square meter] AVERAGE CONSTRUCTION [about] U.S. $ 1200.00. a) if possible do it for the pure and simple [will] MOH (with the assistance of architects and ours). b) not being able to then proceed with the technical dossier. Technical file to be held by (3) architects our (...) [de]: I) [Hospital of] Emergency, II) [Hospital] Child, III) [Hospitals] disaster area. c) Hold meetings with Hernán: 1) To tell and get sinecuanon (sic) that is the IEO [that made the bid] and [give] their reasons 2 º) Meeting: You with the two architects just and Hernán [Garrido Lecca] at a conference table in the Ministry or at the hotel. Communicate results to be obtained immediately. "
met Romulo directed. In the following illegal recording León Alegría, in dialogue with Fortunato Canaan states that he has met with José Ignacio López Soria , president of OEI, and, after a meeting with Health Minister Hernan Garrido Lecca, has started the promise that the IEO is to convene the tenders. The record is revealing:
Rómulo León Alegría: "And [Del Castillo] told me, 'What hospital?" I said, look, in
hospital management have done this ... (inaudible) and [Del Castillo] said, 'Yes, I know
López Soria. The other day we have been at a meeting in a
food. " And I said, 'Yes, I know. López Soria [president of the OEI,
Organization of American States] has commented me. Yesterday I met with him
state and told me that yes, you have a good relationship with you and
who is willing to support. " And if this [the hospital], he tells me that if UNOPS
[another entity that also calls for bids] were down 4%,
4.5%, 5% currently charged by the administration of resources, which is the
term they use, "Resource Management" [to make bids on behalf of the State
]. If they [UNOPS] is down to 3.5%, he [López Soria and
OEI] 3% charge, if lower than 2.5%, it drops to 2%, if charges 2% copper 1.5%, but he is willing to support
and he will go down half a point of what copper UNOPS, and that will
be the first argument that the minister has to use. "Excellent,
control what?" [Asked Del Castillo]. I said, 'We got it at the president
[OEI], which is probably going to get on the operational side, we
but also the executive director of them, because there is
who also spoke to that level. I already talked to the President [
Soria López] and he said: 'Romulus, we agree in all that you want
a very simple reason: first, because [you are] my friend, and second, he
wants to when he, the king of Spain for this meeting of Presidents, heads and representatives
of May [LAC -EU], he has completed or this
culminating a process of selection of the agency he heads, which is the Organization of Ibero-American
[OEI]. "
With sincere respect to prices in the same dialog, Romulus tries to convince the then health minister to raise the benchmark prices that "with those we do not get no tea."
"I explained to Hernán: 'Look, you have to make a serious investigation and formal legal order and practice [to see] if they can restructure costs, because costs have [for the construction of hospitals] are crap. Because I said Sifuentes who are in a thousand, but they are adding a thousand studies, adding everything but in reality the civil work is pure 850. And with that we do not take no for tea. Can not be accomplished nothing. Then we have to bump this up to 1.200 "." Both
Jorge del Castillo and Hernán Garrido Lecca have denied the meeting and indicated that the admission records of the PCM support its release. However, the details that are shipped León Alegría are extremely makers. And in the end, all that tells in this recording was fulfilled almost exactly.
Moreover, Canaan him closely monitoring this issue. In a dialogue between Romulus and his secretary Paola Copara , the latter is heard reading a fax that gives strict instructions:
Rómulo León Alegría (RLA): Paola, what news? Paola
Copara (PC): You have sent a fax again Indiana [Secretary of Canaan] the Engineer. RLA
: What you say now?
PC: "Okay," Romulo tenemos varios asuntos pendientes para dejarlos resueltos entre lunes, martes y miércoles de ser posible:
RLA. Cita con el Presidente… (Jorge).
B. Seguimiento en funciones instituciones, firma de carta de intención ... (Jorge)
C. Cita César Gutiérrez ... (Rómulo)
D. Obtención de documentos exploración futura concesión... (Rómulo)
E. Terminar CONSUCODE miércoles / jueves ... (Rómulo)
F. Firma de apertura cuenta corriente Fortluck ... (Rómulo)
G. Noticias autoridades técnicos Cajamarca, Lambayeque... (Rómulo).
H. Status firma de Jordi Benajes ... (Rómulo)
I. Corrección de informe concurso oferta ... (Romulus)
The Minister Hernan Garrido Lecca "
" I'm interested in:
J. Meeting architects builder partners San Jose, pending previous trip.
K. Meeting
L. Sifuentes Lucho Minister
M. Alva Talking to Mario N. Cususo
Appointment with the rector University San Marcos. "
Copara (PC): You have sent a fax again Indiana [Secretary of Canaan] the Engineer. RLA
: What you say now?
PC: "Okay," Romulo tenemos varios asuntos pendientes para dejarlos resueltos entre lunes, martes y miércoles de ser posible:
RLA. Cita con el Presidente… (Jorge).
B. Seguimiento en funciones instituciones, firma de carta de intención ... (Jorge)
C. Cita César Gutiérrez ... (Rómulo)
D. Obtención de documentos exploración futura concesión... (Rómulo)
E. Terminar CONSUCODE miércoles / jueves ... (Rómulo)
F. Firma de apertura cuenta corriente Fortluck ... (Rómulo)
G. Noticias autoridades técnicos Cajamarca, Lambayeque... (Rómulo).
H. Status firma de Jordi Benajes ... (Rómulo)
I. Corrección de informe concurso oferta ... (Romulus)
The Minister Hernan Garrido Lecca "
" I'm interested in:
J. Meeting architects builder partners San Jose, pending previous trip.
K. Meeting
L. Sifuentes Lucho Minister
M. Alva Talking to Mario N. Cususo
Appointment with the rector University San Marcos. "
I spoke with the secretary told me that the call at 6 o'clock to give me the exact time of Tuesday morning. RLA
: Yeah, yeah: Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning. If not Tuesday, [not understand] Wednesday morning.
: Yeah, yeah: Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning. If not Tuesday, [not understand] Wednesday morning.
RLA: Remind me upon arrival What else? An email to the Minister Garrido Lecca. Fortunato arrive on Sunday and we want to have a meeting when he can in the suite or in the office, write it down there to not forget, nothing else. "
As is known, the issue of OEI is successfully carried out March 26, 2008, when it was published in El Peruano, the Supreme Resolution 007-2008-SA that approved the agreement between that body and the MoH.
Finally, according to the audio, as a reward for closing the agreement with the OEI, the Dominican apparently Garrido Lecca decided to present him with a clock that fills the eye (And wrist).
After the release of the new audio package, Garrido Lecca has not said anything about it, but on several occasions indicated that his performance as Minister of Health was fair and transparent and that Proof of this is that companies of Canaan did not win any award. Research, however, continue.
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