I'm awake. That should not to surprise anyone. Typically, writing while you are awake, not when you sleep, at least with plain paper and virtual is so, mental role, then, is another thing, if you know more or less important, but is anything but someone explain to me if Ellen White. Anyway ...
said or wrote, I'm awake. Not that I was in a coma as Cerati or I would have been hibernating for several months and now, open your eyes, I screamed like crazy, but, for many, this "stay awake" is a rather complicated issue, more if you have to work eight or twelve hours a day and then when you get home, or a house, you can not close until eyes in the morning and expect your brain to assimilate those three or four hours at rest really equivalent to eight hours of peaceful sleep.
be awake, for others it means more than just open your eyes, take a shower and a coffee, or turn on the TV and see some news to realize that the shit in the world not to go out and collect. Awake can mean many things to many people. With that they each head is a world ...
I'm awake, I do not know if I care a lot or a little explain in what sense "I am awake" but common sense should lead to whoever reads it first, I'm awake because I'm not asleep. Then with a little intuition, curiosity, psychology or prophetic office can draw the conclusions that they want, or even if they want, which they appear.
I'm awake and I know exactly what time I sleep, or if you really sleep, because sometimes dreams do not allow us to sleep and make us stay awake while we sleep ... and this intuition can be used if desired.
For example, I'm writing these lines, relevant or irrelevant means that I'm up here in this space, more or less read and ignored, and that, at least here, in that sense, I am not asleep, but this site sleep even when asleep. Drafts can testify thereof. Likewise, being awake does not mean that one is not asleep, or when one is asleep not awake. It seems like zombies but he happens to humans, which we believe we are not zombies but thinking beings.
I know that sometimes seems to speak in parables, I'm going around the bush or madness, but if you are one step closer to these letters mean what I say makes more sense to ask for chicken soup when you are on the beach.
I start the year on this blog in another way, something completely different from this, but it's done, somehow there always start, and if this is how I start the year on this blog So ready.
I'm awake, and it should not surprise or worry anyone because I did not wake up twenty-odd consecutive hours, that would be harmful to any individual. Also, people usually are awake when others are asleep. As those working at night: watchmen, telephone operators, technicians, pressmen, taxi driver, doctors, nurses, police and prostitutes ... There are also people who do not sleep in hospitals caring for others or being tweeting, but that's another story.
Being awake is like being alive, apparently. And that, that is something important.
So say / write that I'm awake, at this moment on this day, this year, at this point in my life in this cosmos, in this life, means more than just open their eyes and yawning. It is not asleep.
Therefore, I can say with great certainty that I will wake up to sleep. ***
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