I'm a movie to make me a fan of Darren Aronofsky film . His latest film, Black Swan , it seems too good for this time infected 3D movie and other technologies. This should Mostar to the world before, at other times, when we assessed the film as art.
confess that it is always a pleasure to see Natalie Portman , even in a newspaper clipping. See Natalie kissing Mila Kunis is more pleasurable, of course. Seeing her in a great performance Mila Kunis kissing much more enjoyable. And, of course, see it in a great performance, kissing Mila Kunis in a great movie exceeds the pleasure, and that is precisely Black Swan: a pleasure.

A beautiful film with a cast very wise, a very precise script and a direction I did not expect less. Darren
pretentious is subtly radical form of filmmaking. That has become misunderstood by a public accustomed to the product of an industry increasingly interested in profits and less on the film. Misunderstood also by the criticism of elitism that thinks that film is what they think it should be.
This time, Darren does the politically correct to insist their film idea: Choose an actress with talent and low profile to avoid that their work is devalued by the reputation of its protagonist (as happened with Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler ), choose a very cult-worship, and not politically acceptable to serve as a means of making his films (the ballet), use the Big Apple as the scene (who does not love New York?) And let the study was promoting his film satisfies the curiosity of a fiery scene between Natalie and Mila.

Despite this, Darren , very cleverly, develops their idea, their only radical idea of \u200b\u200bmaking films, and no one can devalue your work lightly as they did unfairly so little known to The Wrestler, a film that, in my opinion, is above Black Swan.
Again, to upset the unions, Darren filming with camera in hand. Again, to upset colleagues Darren makes his art cinema without generating complaints. Again, sequence shots here, close by there, the protagonist presiguiendo camera as a documentary, a montage of malice, very deliberate and clear, again, a couple of those scenes where the camera shows is ubiquitous, with everything and mirrors included. Ubiquitous, yes, as it should be forever.
Black Swan is too good for these times. The address made Darren is so good that even scary. A no director likes someone getting over there giving lessons in how to make an auteur without appearing to be such a thing and especially that be well accepted with a pinch of everything. I think therefore say that Darren win the Oscar this year is a little forward, but this deserves it. and Orson Wells suffered by voting against the big show at the time how to do things phenomenally.
What if you can say aloud is that Darren already proven to be an actor's director like no other at this time. From Requiem for a Dream to Black Swan has shown that if something can do is to get the most out of an actor. Why my never seemed ill-advised choice of Mickey Roukes to The Wrestler But that's a topic that does not fit in this post.
A Natalie has gone to the stage of the actresses in method, where only the discipline and talent allow access to the site. His performance, without question, is the best of his career, and this must be put note, the highest there. Their actions smell Oscar. If there is anyone that catalyzes the idea of \u200b\u200b Darren for this film is it, who knows to reflect the emotional conflict is the protagonist of the film and, within it, the protagonist of the book to represent. Perfect.

The Swan Lake, as scenic background, is also the pretext of developing the basic material of the film: the constant struggle between the purity of the white swan and timidity and audacity and malice of the black swan.
A Thriller-flavored drama, that's Black Swan, a film that could be considered, with The Wrestler a thematic sequel to do and how to see the film Darren. For me, the best we saw in 2010, what's new film of course.
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