Oscar ® is like ducks or deer season in the regions where they are allowed to hunt on occasion, with the difference that in this case no rifles or chance, but critical views and specific films.
The King's Speech managed to get into this exclusive list of the best films of the year as members of the Academy ® , this group of individuals who pay an annuity for certain privileges and considerations and where there is a small group I really do not know the work being done in the industry because of it up or extra light gauge known, but of filmmaking, or transmit through those twenty-four frames per second a idea or intention of something else. A more can be anything or nothing. That
something that is sometimes not clearly seen is what I wish to make this a historical film that tells the circumstances under which George VI the UK came to the throne and his fight against insecurity and stuttering have the support of his wife and an unorthodox therapist.
Almost the entire film takes place on the preparation of this mortal so he can talk in public without stuttering and more the time this is crowned as king, because a king must have something to say and that something must be clear and deeper, at the time where radio was the only medium where voices heard and felt.
A speech. So the story begins. A bad speech said, stuttering, embarrassing.

Therein lies the power and greatness of this film. Therein lies the burden of why is still so considered by those few people who know that the filmmaking and not just make movies, that is not equal or the same.
Technically the film is neither innovative nor remarkable in any case. It is a waste, but not the eighth wonder of the world. The costumes, photography, installation and setting have been made to the English, attention to detail so as not to be either pretentious or sloppy, which is something he should be applauded to the production that director. Thus, again highlight what makes this film so strong is that more showing us.
I'm not English, and so there are some situations presented in the film which I am not familiar with, and not created anyone reading these lines I've walked in virtual libraries by comparing dates, data, or names, no, not that. But one need not be English to understand the humanity of that mortal featured in the movie: a man, with the privilege of being born into a royal family, with uncertainty in their ability to be more what he believes can be. A man with an impending doom at the gates, his coronation, a looming war, refuses to accept that it is capable of being more of what he and everyone knows it is: a stutterer.
No wonder. Almost always a problem speech has been regarded as a problem of mental disability and often tend to think that because someone speaks well has a huge brain capacity because someone can not express is silly. Well, that's exactly what happens in the film.
If we forget that this is a king and we focus on the fact that it is a human, perhaps the thing did not have much grace or not you would find meaning to the subject. But I there a future king who is afraid of public speaking and as a governor antithesis-Hitler-with a charisma and ability to corner the masses with words of his speeches. A governor whose words were able to burn the metes of a nation and that was to point of submitting a whole Europe Nazism.
And that is where the issue becomes solemn. And for that, the writer and director used the film only resource that enables them to: images. A scene where the king sees newly promoted a discourse of Adolf Hitler where he talks to his troops effusively shows the true intent of the film, the purity of the final idea of \u200b\u200bthe film, yes. The King's Speech (The king's speech) is an ode to the value of a human being who accepts his fate despite his weaknesses and imperfections and faced with courage, supported by those who believed in him.

So that speech, the final speech of the movie, and the way it has been made into a film, should be taken into account when assessing this film could be just one more film, but not is.
was the speech of a mortal overcoming their fears with his calm voice, but determined to triumph over itself that encouraged a nation to maintain resistance Nazi Empire during World War II.
the end, if you want to see this as a fable, the awful stutter, his voice, he kept on fighting an entire nation in the fierce oratory of a man who had also built a system with his voice and charisma.
He beat the stutter.

one day I told a friend that this awards means nothing more than a sympathy vote. There is a movie that can compare with another. I believe that until today have not understood me very well.
The King's Speech has the same gene that had at the time Chariots of Fire in 1981 beat Reds in award for best film of the year, without being visually more powerful than the work of Warren Beatty . Or when Driving Miss Daisy left without the best picture statuette for Born on the Fourth of July, the favorite in 1989. So, in spite of the favorites, visually speaking, Black Swan, The Social Network-not surprise me to see the night of the delivery man says and the Oscar goes to ... The King's Speech.
Three actors supporting the weight of a message and a story to tell: Colin Firth , as the king; Geoffrey Rush , as the therapist who helps the king with his problem and Helena Bonham Carter , as the wife of the king. Everyone deserves extra applause to the other in competition.
Definitely, this film be saved to the selected corner of my preferences for the solemn and strong in his message, despite being so discreet in the way of presenting.
I recommend it.
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