Sunday, April 10, 2011

Indian Sari Blouses Designs

ITTAIP: Romero Boy's.

Hugo Triano Gómez.

If any doubt could be, the evidence revealed the mysteries. Granierista government has every interest in the stealth renewal ITTAIP council and has to do, "orchestrating" directly over, one of his strongmen .

No! this is not a task assigned to the Government Secretary Humberto Mayans, yes to who in the discretion required for the case has "framed in" and "possessing" legal most controversial decisions of his boss, Andrés Granier.

Impossible is by example and despite the denials in public, not to name the law firm and its incumbent Miguel Alberto Romero Pérez, with the successful attempt in 2008 to delay a few months the entry into force of the law of transparency; and untie the dispute now that the local Congress "promoted" in court to settle what law prevails, if the control or relating to transparency, gaining more time to avoid explaining the balance of "sundry debtors" Granierista government. Amen

subjective elements and in light of the evidence , Pérez Romero's hand in the "definition that is coming" -renewal of the ITTAIP, can not hide.

And is that although it is not expected nor a formal confirmation to the rumors, aces up his sleeve in this series have started surfacing in the deck of state government. In this logic is designated as "possible" New directors people with "experience" . . . but in public administration, rather than the "management" of information.

names have appeared so far under that it looks like there will be no ratification, are those of the General Counsel of the State Congress, "position" of José Carlos Ocaña and PRI: Pons Enrique Franco , who was also known at the beginning of this administration, legal adviser at the Legal Department has already spoken, as well as being elected by the previous parliament deputy director ITTAIP, specifically Arturo Peña.

Parallel name appears Berdeja Martín Rivas, whose records indicate that a law degree with "just" 6 years in public service after his move from 4 years old by private sector. The most important thing that apparently has made about his year in office, is being named "Not long ago head of the unit of Access to Public Information ... of the Legal Counsel of the Executive, which in effect leads Miguel Alberto Romero Pérez.

A case it represents no less interesting Luis Martínez Esperon attorney who also, presumably in their curricula, 16 years of experience in public administration as well as being Subconsejero legislation and policy studies ... what you think? Law Firm the Executive. Which, if not clear-headed by Miguel Alberto Romero Pérez.

To make matters worse, other 2 names would be reviewed in order to "cover" expectations for the office of Governor-sole legal authority to send the lists to Congress.

One is that of Attorney José Alberto "Chebet" del Rivero, propaganda press secretary and campaign for governor Roberto Madrazo, former director of labor and social welfare of government, part of the final three candidates for President of the Human Rights Commission, which eventually gave Manuel Argáez and soon to be known, published a new book co-authored on the right. Interestingly with whom he shared credits the now former staff member, with the by now oft-counsel, Alberto Miguel Romero Perez.

The fifth card in the poker series looming, the incumbent would represent the local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration Glenda Gómez Domínguez know whom also maintains permanent links with the state government and its areas legal and legal counseling, in order to prevent labor disputes that could lead to conflict with the work of government in general.

these circumstances, and subject to corroborate the rumors times, renewal ITTAIP council seems headed toward another dilemma. No doubt the replacement of of the current directors, but with characters with strong ties, clear and public with the Legal Department and the State administration, the main "obligated" of the transparency law in Tabasco. What benefits would something like that to a body which by definition must be independent and autonomous? Certainly not many.

At the time, the time will be the definition, but also ... the consequences.


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