Beyond idealism, opposition from certain sectors of society villahermosina regarding the felling of trees in the main avenue named "industrial city" , does not escape the scrutiny of anyone. It is easy to think that some political actor directs.
This possibility does not preclude the cause, it is considered noble and necessary.
Historically, political actors have organized or led to the mass, some - the least - with genuine and true idealism, again, by mere utility and for purely private.
The truly redeemable on demand for the defenders of the grove, is that although it is a cause - apparently small - on the street, sidewalk, in the living room, hall, more than one, shares the simplicity of the "struggle" . The least is whether the group of infants are manipulated or not. They started with simple signs and doodles primary complaint of ecocide .
This convergence social so noble, can be a good example of what can be achieved through legal figures as the plebiscite and referendum, where the society is recognized as a true political player and gives it power. Send them away, the hypocritical representation.
Some as mentioned, will not hesitate in the black hand of a dissident of the present government in that protest. However it is more feasible for government intervention in the "new" group that emerged in response to demand pro-nature, because without further argument emphasized the need for the work.
This feature allows the reaction rate as visceral .
Indeed, pro-nature, no doubt have to believe like the reactionary group, needed road work promised by the government, but contrary to its antagonistic group, the pro environmentalists warn a greater need : maintain and respect the order given.
Order given itself too upset and concerned.
not need to be technical experts on public works or engineering logic to conclude that there are options for the so-called road circuit. Precisely for this is genius.
simple and straightforward solution, recognized as one project the concrete slab and the downing of trees planted with the promise of equal numbers of them, but have to wait years to enjoy the vitality of nature. Barata sensitivity.
precisely that sensitivity is what makes the difference between a first world mentality and a fifth yard.
The end result of "escandalito" , we all know. The government with its customary arrogance , completely ignored the demands simple but healthy, a small group of society. In the best makeup with "legality" low impact solution, something that allows you to succeed.
and Ideally magnum involves whether or not there is no law that establishes him or justified and although matter is "small" (not so) that the government gives a voice to society that aims to "benefit" through an assignment, the order given calendar. That is the society itself to decide.
For years and centuries have invoked the struggles and "democratic ideals" , in official discourse, to encourage hope in the day that the company would have to mature and then exercise their full sovereignty. That moment can start today with something so simple.
That villahermosina society and the government decides to make the necessary arrangements to fulfill this desire. The company should determine how they should resolve the construction of new roads: with or without respect for the environment.
Obviously everyone wants a flexible way, not only in the area north of the city, but in many other areas of the capital swampy, however, this should be done with respect to what was given to us .
currently exists in the Congress, regardless of party colors, the proposal for citizens to exercise through the referendum and the plebiscite, the power to decide whether or not to accept the signature of a international convention or treaty, which eventually has to become supreme law of the nation along with the general constitution.
is time that not only treaties, but every law is agreed upon by society, including public works, as a means to control the management of public money.
In this context, suggest another option than the official way to build the new villahermosina and submit the consensus of the population, is an essential step, it would be a truly democratic exercise, which we could even make political capital for "welcome" government.
Let's be clear. No doubt. The road work in the industrial city is required, but must be respectful of the environment.
to miss this opportunity to dignify the city, to allow directly opine and so momentous influence government determinations, all produce will reinforce the mistrust of the billionaire and cartoonish process Democrats, whose top and magna stage, not over yet consolidated, despite the centuries, sacrifice, death and turns upside by generations of Mexicans. Would forget the difference between being rational. . . the animal.
Religion, Independence and Union.
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