Dr. José Narro Robles receive tonight for the Juarez University Autónoma de Tabasco a Doctorate Honoris Cause, a distinction that is covered in its contribution to medical science and the strengthening and defense of public education in the country, an act that from a purely academic angle justify their reasons for granting such a deed.
On other occasions I have referred to Dr. Narro Robles as an emblematic figure of what is now the soul university, as an overriding set of values \u200b\u200bthat represent the educational task. From there it is just where you can see the rector of the highest home studio in this country: The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
His eloquence and consistency has been evident in many events where he has responded to the voice that gives it the moral and academic quality which has been formed that is forcing us to understand a country, a homeland, a nation that has the responsibility to form capital their young from knowledge and from the humanism that society demands so much today. It is in that look that he gave the UNAM, as the best university in Latin America and the second in Latin America.
is also in this position that we hear in the delivery of the Prince of Asturias prize in the UNAM, with dignity space snuck his first words which we surrendered to the pride, the singing voice university students in Mexico: "I represent a university that dates back more than four and a half centuries has been the enclave of culture and knowledge, in defense of freedom and justice, as well as forming part of consciousness national. "
View college in that role, history, culture and knowledge, but above all with the libertarian character and just to the consciousness of any community is to understand the human significance of our actions in the formation of life with educational institutions, that means, as he rightly says, have the maximum exemplary. It is in this sense that the governing appeals to right to education as a fundamental to its quality and equity principiáis face educational disadvantages facing the world today.
The president also was strong and good use of his position emeritus at the Congress, when during the celebration of 100 years of the UNAM, claimed that "real progress can not be generated between inequality and exclusion, through ignorance and preventable deaths. Neither society can prosper or live in peace with the levels of insecurity that affect us. "
was emphatic in saying to our politicians many of the problems will not solution "if we continue down the same path, unless fundamental reforms are made, if not implement alternative policies, if not imagine and draw a new national project"
is true that many have expressed in many ways the same thing every day in everyday life demands for justice and social harmony are speeches that are painful and social ills, but to those voices that fail to be heard, those are appreciated than any stronghold of freedom are sung by the character and understand the power given to the dispossessed. That's just value of education and that invokes Dr. Narro Robles.
Faced with these words, he forces us to build utopias and walked on, his speeches are the mark of a decent life for all, where education becomes the most accurate of the tours. So warm and firm voice when listening in the areas of opportunity results in a wheel well managed and gigantic figure in the silence of those who can not speak.
welcome then, as many, that UJAT, our university, today delivered a distinction of this magnitude ... welcome to it that this doctorate is given to someone who brings commitment and the essence of being a university student.
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