Thursday, March 17, 2011

Praktica B Mount Nikon

Evaristo: 9 words.

Triano Hugo Gomez.

"In Mexico, not enough to be innocent to be free." Nine words were enough to have at least one vision of what the former mayor of Central Evaristo Hernandez, thinking, feeling and will, after the public condemnation of his own 2007, specified by the Congress of Tabasco.

His statement actually breaks the silence after what happened last Tuesday, no matter who issued the paradoxical loneliness of social networks in their Facebook account.

Evaristo Hernández de acuerdo a sus palabras parece estar viviendo en una mezcla de sentimientos, que podrían incluso “exhibirlo” sentado en la boca de un dragón -como el que enorgulleció a su gobierno- a punto de un rugido.

No obstante la aparente “martirización” dista de serlo, si alguien detiene la atención en sus conceptos.

“No basta ser inocente para ser libre”. La aseveración por sí misma denota que para mantener tal condición hace falta “algo más” que innocence. Strictly speaking, the latter could be as damaging in the effort to achieve that freedom, which reveals and confirms the former mayor thought about to be screened, with all the media and its derivatives, their rights to stay safe , minimum condition to declare itself free. Thus, the assertion looks more like a lament, rather, like a warning , a new one if you want.

said Evaristo The nine words is also at odds with the policy indeed a key factor in what happens. So it is not matching what held hours before former aldermen and Melvin Pedro Gutiérrez Izquierdo blaming the Governor Granier and his Secretary Humberto Mayans, of being behind everything.

Because when Evaristo says what it says, seems to be denouncing still being innocent, as he is presumed, can not be free if a power or powers beyond the law, no permit or unwilling. His statement comes as too much, a criticism a whole system is well known and each that can be presumed to have been eradicated their vices.

course yet to be answered several questions that should generate more nine words. The alleged illegal acquisition of "dragon" , through the "comments" in more than 400 projects of which spoke the President of the Political Coordination Board state legislative José Carlos Ocaña the guarantee, beyond " not wanting to wanting to " with your comment seemed " recognize "the past Central government, for what projects set in motion. Del

technical legal debate must await the results because of the accusations Amen and defenses, warned serious criteria as to the alleged excess of Congress, could be perceived irregularities in limbo , or what is the same, if committed, there will be no matter what tried before an alleged unconstitutional.

All in all, a revelation that also showed the Facebook account of Evaristo Hernandez notes that in one month and two days, April 19, former munícipe celebrate his 50th birthday. Under what conditions will? Where and with whom it held? Again the wise "cronos" has a parcel to be clarified.


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